Safety rules on the water, rules for using boats

  • It is compulsory to wear a safety vest when on the water. The vest must be properly fitted and fastened, including all drawstrings.
  • The number of boaters per boat is limited to the number specified in the model specifications.
  • Boarding shall take place when the boat is parallel to the shore. The boat shall be held steady at the time of boarding to prevent it from rolling or capsizing.
  • Each boater shall remain in his or her own seat in the boat. They shall not stand up or lean over the side of the boat.
  • Extreme care must be taken in rapids, rapids and when encountering trees, rocks and other natural or artificial obstacles.
  • Use proper paddling technique to avoid fatigue and injury. Sit in a stable position and do not lean to one side to avoid the canoe tipping over.
  • It is not advisable to grab trees or branches in the river while the boat is moving. Doing so may result in the boat capsizing.
  • In areas of the river where there is a strong current, you should try to keep the boat parallel to the current. If the boat turns across the current, it becomes virtually unmanageable.
  • Be aware of other watercraft and swimmers.
  • When in a boat on a river, everyone is responsible for their own safety and health. Similarly, each boater is responsible for his or her own actions that may endanger the safety and health of other boaters.
  • Parents, relatives or guardians are responsible for the safety of the children who are with them
  • Each canoeist is responsible for the consequences that may arise from failure to observe the above conditions, from the unskilled use of canoes or from the use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or psychotropic substances during the trip
  • All belongings and cargo must be placed in tightly zipped plastic bags to prevent them from getting wet or spoiling.
  • If water starts to enter the boat during use, it must be rowed ashore immediately to protect passengers and cargo from damage or loss.
  • If you happen to turn over the boat and fall out, do not attempt to get back into the boat. Keeping to the boat, swim to the shore.
  • If someone needs help to get out of the water, don't try to pull them into the boat (climbing into an unsecured boat can cause it to turn over), hand the oar to the swimmer, hold on to the oar and move towards the shore.
  • In case of getting lost, equipment damage or other boating related situations and in case of need for assistance, please contact the boat hire company +371 26844295 (Reinis)
  • In case of emergency call 112.